Gorodischeva A.N. 1
Fominа J.V. 1
1 FSBOI VPO Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M.F. Reshetnev
This article examines the problem of creating the structure and content of the University website in several languages. It is analyzed the motivation to create multilingual websites connected with both the official policy of the state and the language peculiarities of the Internet space. There is a comparison of methodologies for assessing web resources for culture and education. The criteria of evaluation for university website: array columns, features of translating the columns names, titles synonymy, ranging groups, benchmarking content. On the basis of established criteria it is evaluated Russian and English versions of the official SibSAU website. There are the regularities of reference content and filling columns Russian and English versions of the website. Based on the research recommendations it is proposed to correlate and rank columns and filling them with content of Russian-language and English-language websites of the university as well.