Marshalova E.S. 1
1 Saint-Petersburg State University of Maritime and River Transport of them adm. S.O. Makarova
In the article the author explains the need of training the students of specialty 031600 “Advertising and Public Relations” NLP techniques in active learning format. Reveals the concept of active learning and the actuality of its use in the learning environment. The paper also briefly describes the essence of the method of NLP, as well as its influence on the development of communicative competence of students, is one of the base for the graduates of this trend. In the article the author gives a brief methodology developed program of training of students, which was implemented in the course of the training of future specialists at SPbGUVK. The article also presents the results of the experiment on the implementation of this technique, showing the positive dynamics of the communicative competence of students after training in this technique.