Scientific journal
Название журнала на английском
ISSN 2500-0802
ПИ №ФС77-61154


Shchirova A.H. 1
1 Shuya branch of Ivanovo state University
The analysis of functions of traditional patchwork - обереговой, aesthetic and utilitarian, causes and trends of its development in Russia and in foreign countries Revealed special features of functioning of patchwork technique as an independent direction in art textiles. Defined new functions of patchwork analyses the forms in which these functions are carried out, the influence of mass culture on the functioning of this type of decorative art. Consider ways of strengthening the effectiveness of the modern functions of patchwork technique. It is concluded that modern лоскутную technique can be attributed both to the mass culture (this is mostly apparent in conditions of the subculture of large cities), and modern popular culture. Patchwork in the XXI century is capable not only traditional functions (utilitarian and этетическую), but also new: social (cultural, artistic, recreational), education, art-therapy, educational, that is, patchwork technique in contemporary art and culture is multi-functional.