Scientific journal
Название журнала на английском
ISSN 2500-0802
ПИ №ФС77-61154


Kolovorotny A.A. 1
1 Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Interior of Russia
Speaking of criminological characteristics as a single complex, it should be noted the importance of its elements that add up to a scientifically based model of a particular type of crime. Despite the variety offered by forensic scientists items should be allocated mainly wasps and accepted, which include: a way to commit and conceal the crime, leavemye them trace the identity of the perpetrator. In relation to specific crimes these elements mo-gut concretized, expand or shrink. Each of them contains certain objects-tive information about obstoyatelstvax specific crime, promote disclosure and investigation. In this case, these elements are interrelated and interdependent. For information about these dependencies can serve as a basis for the construction of typical versions in the investigation of concrete-tion of crimes. Therefore, forensic characterization of organizing a criminal group is defined by us as established on the basis of the analysis and synthesis of the investigative and judicial practice in-formational model of this type of crime, which contains a system of interconnected information about a criminal association, the organizer of the person, the method of preparation, commit and conceal the crime-ment and the characteristics sledoobrazovaniya.