Pleshakova V.I. 1
Kolotilo A.N. 1
Leshcheva N.A. 1
1 FSBEI HPI «Omsk State University of Agriculture named after P.A. Stolypin» Institute of veterinary medicine and biotechnology
The article presents data on the biological properties of microorganisms isolated from drinking water for animals and biofilm technological elements of water supply system, namely anticomplementary, antilizotsimny, anti-interferon, adhesive activity. Also the microorganisms allocated from tests of water and a biofilm, possessed the expressed virulentny properties, causing death of the infected laboratory animals. Quality of water is especially important at cultivation of young growth of agricultural animals. Existence in water of the opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms have virulentny properties and drinking its animal, is at the bottom of emergence of infectious diseases, with primary defeat of a gastrointestinal path.