Kozhenko A.O. 1
Kozhenko Y.V. 1
1 FGBOU VPO “Taganrog State Teacher Training College of a Name of A.P. Chekhov”
Development of the institutions of the legal service determines the prospects of development of the service model of the state. One indicator of the level of development of legal services in the state is the quality of public and municipal services. The state policy of informatization of modern Russia provides for increasing the quality of public services through the implementation of information technology and the modernization of public administration. The authors come to the conclusion that the negative impact on the development of legal services in the field of public and municipal services are provided by a number of factors, including the lack of effective inter-agency cooperation in the provision of public services makes it difficult for the collection of documents , the time of service and waiting in the queue mismatch Seating requirements of administrative regulations , low level of awareness of citizens for services , the digital divide residents of the regions , the low level of professional training of state and municipal employees , and increase the share paid services.