Kozhenko Y.V. 1
1 FGBOU VPO “Taganrog State Teacher Training College of a Name of A. P. Chekhov”
As the main reason for the competition of legal and unlawful forms of public administration in domestic literature call process of complication of object of management, inability of the classical forms of government to work in new social and economic and political conditions. Now, for which the rough are characteristic is information-technical transformations value of the unlawful forms of government increased, partly formation of institutes of informing and access to information stimulated growth of their variety. The author proves that the bureaucratic model of system of public administration using an administrative resource stimulates acceptance of legal forms on the basis of already reached agreements in the course of application of organizational administrative actions. It is obvious that for system of public administration of modern Russia the competition of legal and unlawful forms in which obviously lose legal (that is caused by powerful authority of the President of the Russian Federation and executive bodies on Russia) is characteristic.