Scientific journal
Название журнала на английском
ISSN 2500-0802
ПИ №ФС77-61154


Pozdniakova O.A. 1 Reznikova K.V. 1
1 Siberian Federal University
The article deals with the problem of art communication between a viewer and a cinema art-work. The article proves that cinema art-work is an active subject and the result of communication between the author and art material. The art-work is a summation of signs, which the viewer can decipher and comprehend. The viewer is also an active subject, who is able to understand cinema art-work as a whole, to understand it is function and film structures. The viewer wants to reveal himself as a ideal viewer. Each element of the cinema art-work is a sign addressing its meaning to the viewer who discovers it and fills it with his own personal sense. This article describes communicative status of cinema art-work and viewer: addresser and addressee, speaking partners, coauthors of an art-text. They change during art communication.