Scientific journal
Название журнала на английском
ISSN 2500-0802
ПИ №ФС77-61154


Sazykina K.I. 1 Volkov A.A. 1 Staroverov S.A. 1 Larionov S.V. 1 Kozlov S.V. 1
1 Saratov State Agrarian University Named After N.I. Vavilov
This paper examines the embryotoxic effect of the antibiotic medication «doxycyline-complex» which consists of doxycycline hyclate – 100 mg/ml and bromhexine hydrochloride – 5 mg/ml, and as adjuvants: lactulose – 100 mg/ml and soluphor – up to 1 ml. The study has been conducted upon two groups of nonlinear virgin rats (n=15 in each group) of the original weight of 230–250 g. The first group of animals (control group) was given a solvent containing soluphor and adjuvants (bromhexine and lactulose) on the basis of 100 mg/kg of body weight; the second group (the experimental group) was given the medication «doxycycline-complex» in dosage 100mg/kg of animal’s body weight (10 mg/kg of the active ingredient – doxycycline hyclate). Calculation of indices of embryotoxic effect has been conducted according to the recommendations of the State Pharmacological Committee («Rukovodstvo po eksperimentalnomu (doklinicheskomu) izucheniyu novykh farmokologicheskikh veschestv», Moscow, 2005). Relying on the results of animals’ autopsy, the following indices have been defined: the quantity of corpus luteum, «yellow body», the quantity of places of implantation, the quantity of alive and dead fetuses; the data of preimplantational and postimplantational fetal death have been registered, the craniocaudal fetal size have been measured, the examination of fetuses have been conducted and the quantity of fetuses with maldevelopment has been defined, the conditions of skeletal system and conditions of fetal internal have been studied, in particular the quantity of fetuses with maldevelopment has been registered. Relying on the research results, we have defined that the medication «Doxycycline-complex» has embryotoxic qualities and has a negative effect on progeny during early pregnancy.